Posts Tagged ‘sort of like a subtitle. So I’ll call this tag “…and still loved.”’

My dog is still dead.

Saturday, August 21st, 2010

Maybe I should explain. The dog in the picture below, KT, died a year and a half ago. I don’t mean to be flippant — her death certainly wasn’t an event I took lightly — but since some of you are bound to tell me that this dog I’m showing on the blog is considerably larger than the dog that appears on my website home page, I should mention that they are two different dogs. KT was nearly fifteen when she died, about a year after the photo was taken. I went to a photographer so that I could have a really good picture of her before the inevitable happened. As you can see, she was very pretty, and also a really good friend to me. Another dog, Lucy, lives with me now, and I love Lucy, but I still miss KT. I named the main character of LEGACY after her, except I spell it Katy in the book. I included her picture because she’s still a part of me.