What I’m Doing

There’s a great blog post about POISON on LivLovLifeReviews! Here’s a link: bit.ly/VGK7tP

Meanwhile, I’m working on SIX different books at the moment: One’s with my editor, who’s getting notes (i.e. things I’ve got to rewrite) to me on Monday; another with my agent, who’s trying to sell it; the third, a longstanding novel-in-progress that I keep trying to write between projects; a partial ms w/outline about a time-traveling boy in Hitler’s Germany that’s very hard to pin down, since time travel is impossibly tricky; a completed novel that must have something wrong with it, since none of my friends has been able to finish reading it; and POISON, which has just come out and needs publicity attention. Whew! I’m sort of hoping we get a big storm that knocks out the power so I can just write by candlelight.